New Teen Tastic Idea
Hey everybody! I've been working on getting more participants to join our Teen Tastic program here the Fox Valley location. I am hosting a bowling night for a reduced price of 2 dollars per game, per participant playing. There is no price for shoes! We are meeting at Park Side...

Success At Teen Tastic
Hey everyone! This past Friday went very well being my first night running Teen Tastic here at the playhouse. We are always looking for more teens to join in the fun! The St. Patrick's Day crafts were a big hit followed by playing some Twister, bags, and a dance party....

Teen Tastic
Hey guys! I am super excited to take over Teen Tastic nights here at the playhouse until further notice! My internship is sadly coming to an end within the next month and a half. I will be in the area to continue running Teen Tastic once a month, but if...

Spread The Smiles
Wow, it's been busy around the playhouse with TONS of huge events coming up! I am very interested in partaking in some ways to raise money for GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley. So, i'm reaching out to you guys for help and ideas! Please feel free to comment below with any...

10th Year Anniversary
Hey everyone! GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley is getting closer to their 10th year anniversary! As an intern, I am asking that if you have not already "liked" GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley Facebook page that you would! I am determined to have all our friends and families reach 1000 "likes" starting...

Marathon Mania
This week I have been informed about the upcoming marathon for GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley! I just wanted to let you all know some of the details. The marathon is November 8th 2015 in Naperville. Of course, we want to raise money for GiGi's so we can provide the best...

A Day At Open Play
What an awesome day today was with some amazing families who showed up for Open Play this morning! Two of our regulars, Maddie and Beckett, came to hang out and I am having a blast getting to know them. One very important thing I've learned thus far is the importance...

This Week’s Updates
I couldn't be more honored to have helped paint our walls at the Playhouse using bright colors! I have met MORE of our volunteers as well! We even added more handprints to our walls to show how friends and families can achieve anything when they work together. Hopefully everyone can...

Finding Ways To Help
When I entered college I knew how much I wanted to help individuals with disabilities. My life plan was all set. I was to get accepted into the Special Education Teaching program at my University and live out my passion of helping others. As I continued through my college experience...

Fun Days at Gigi’s Playhouse Fox Valley from an Intern’s Perspective
Week two interning for Gigi's Playhouse Fox Valley has brought some color to my life! I have my feet wet and am learning so much in regards to running a non profit organization. I am working on organizing who will help me paint the last of our walls in the...

Fox Valley Intern Starts Today
Hi everyone! My name is Cassie and today is my first day on site of beginning my journey with GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley as an intern! All positive vibes here at the playhouse which are already reflecting on my future experience with some wonderful individuals. This morning has been filled...

‘Fiddler’ cast at Paramount inspires teens
In recognition of World Down Syndrome Day, our friends at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, IL donated tickets for our teens from GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley to see "Fiddler on the Roof". After the show, the group also had the opportunity to meet most of the cast and crew and learn...