Volunteer Spotlight- Lauren, board member

Lauren Chiszar- Board Member, 2018 - present Lauren Chiszar is thrilled to be a Board Member at GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley. Previous to this role on the board, Lauren served as the Site Coordinator for Fox Valley. Lauren now resides in Chicago and is a recent graduate of Loyola University...

Playhouse Inspiration: Justin, intern at Aurora TV

Thank you Justin and the city of Aurora! Justin is an Intern at Aurora TV and doing a summer project focusing on a non-profit organization groups and how they impact the city. The aim of the project is to recognize and raise awareness of an organization in the City of...

Volunteer Spotlight- Charles, board member

Charles Perrecone – Board Member, 2017 - present Charles Perrecone lives in the Roscoe Village area of Chicago with his fiancé. Charles has been involved with GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley since 2017. His initial involvement developed from a desire to give back to the community, but he did not know...

Volunteer Spotlight: Katie, board member

Katie Finke- Board Member, 2015 - present Katie Finke got involved with GiGi’s when her family moved here from North Carolina five years ago. She was looking for a place to connect with the Down syndrome community and heard great things about GiGi’s Playhouse. She started attending the Fox Valley...

Volunteer Spotlight: Amanda, board member

Amanda Rooney- Board Member, 2015 - June 2019 Amanda has been president for 4 years and has loved every minute of it! She came to the Playhouse 5 years ago with Maddie and instantly fell in love and knew she needed to get more involved! In the past 4 years...

Volunteer Spotlight: Audrey, literacy tutor and summer intern

Audrey Tutoring since 2016 Personal Interests: Special Olympics, Best Buddies, NEHS, and GSLC youth group and fusion program Why I tutor at GiGi’s: “I tutor at GiGi’s because of the relationships that come out of it. I love not only seeing the progress of their literacy skills, but seeing the...

Volunteer Spotlight: Shreya, literacy tutor

Shreya Tutor since 2017 Personal Interests: This school year Shreya will be a junior at Metea Valley High School. At school, she's a part of extracurricular orchestras within the school as well as outside the school (Naperville Youth Symphony Orchestra and Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra). She is also part of...

Volunteer Spotlight: Emma literacy tutor

#generation G in Action! Emma Tutoring Since 2017 Personal Interests: Tennis, Special Olympics, Best Buddies and GiGi’s of course! Why I tutor: I tutor at GiGi’s because I love the environment and being able to help children with Down syndrome. I’ve been involved with the special education community since 8th...

Volunteer Spotlight- Katrin, literacy tutor

Katrin Tutoring Since January 2018 Personal Interests: Key Club, Special Olympics, Best Buddies, Tennis, Youth Government Why I tutor: I love tutoring at GiGi’s because it’s so rewarding to see the improvement in my students! I’ve had the opportunity to help my students begin to read and become more confident...

Playhouse Inspiration: LASO at OHS and ER from AU

GiGi’s Playhouse has been a big presence at both Oswego High School and Aurora University this past year. We visited Oswego High School to do a generation G presentation to the Key Club and the Latin American Student Organization (LASO). After the presentation LASO chose GiGi’s as their volunteer project...

Volunteer Spotlight: Veronica, parent and program leader

Veronica is an active parent at our Playhouse with her 4 year old daughter Selma. When she saw that we may have to cancel a program when we didn’t have a program coordinator she stepped right in! When asked why she decided to become a program leader Veronica states, “I...

Participant Best of All: Meghan

Megan has been a regular participant since we have started our weekly programming. In our winter session we had Fantastic Friends and Meghan is showing in Cooking Club that she knows what it means to be a good friend. We have so many participants at Cooking Club that we have...