Welcome to our blog!

Hello, and welcome to our blog!

Come on in, take a look around!

In addition to our Facebook page, this will be the place to find construction updates now that we have an address, a home, a GiGi’s Playhouse of Fort Myers!

What does it take to change our world for the better for people with Down syndrome and their families?

A talented, dedicated, hard-working team of leaders.  Check!

Support from our own Community, GiGi’s Inc, and GiGi’s all over the US and even abroad…Check!

KEYS to our facility (!!!)…CHECK!!!

“Before” pictures…Check!

Kiddie crew members in tiny hard hats…Check!

A growing line-up of generous folks from our community coming together to make this space into GiGi’s Playhouse of Fort Myers….CHECK!

Local support from families and friends old and new…CHECK!  (Give us a shout-out in the comments below to cheer us on!)

Thank YOU!  And YOU!  AND YOU!!! We love you all and look forward to seeing you at our Grand Opening and often afterward!

But first….painting, carpeting, hammering, assembling, connecting, decorating…be sure to check back here for updates we will post along the way!  AND, you’ll get to meet our awesome team as they tell us “Why GiGi’s?”!


Recent Posts

The Making of a Playhouse

by Clare Cronin About one year ago, we were completing permits needed to make GiGi's Playhouse of Fort Myers more than just sketches and dreams....

It’s More Than Just a Desk.

A desk.  Actually there are two, but they are NOT just desks.  These are TEAMWORK.    Yesterday, a Board member spotted these second-hand desks for...

Unveiling our Thanks

Did you guess where we are in the Playhouse from this "Hidden Pictures" swatch on Facebook? Ta da!   This plaque was installed in the...


  1. hrodriguez on May 17, 2017 at 12:06 pm

    WOOO-HOOO! SO excited for you all!!!

  2. Angela on May 17, 2017 at 1:03 pm

    I’m so excited for our community!!!

  3. Denise OBrien on May 25, 2017 at 7:25 pm

    I’m so excited for this. I moved here with my daughter Ava from Boston. I was feeling a displaced not knowing anyone then saw you were opening in Fort Myers. I’m really looking forward to meet people and Ava getting some friends ❤️

    • Clare on May 25, 2017 at 9:18 pm

      Hi Denise! We’re looking forward to meeting you and Ava too! In fact, a few families will be meeting to take pictures for a campaign this Saturday morning…email us at fortmyers@gigisplayhouse.org if you’d like to come meet some people, hang out a bit, and we’ll tell you the details!

  4. Judy O'Halloran on June 13, 2017 at 7:09 am

    So, so exciting. Grateful for everyone’s commitment and hard work. So many lives will be touched.

  5. Pat Billante on October 1, 2017 at 3:50 am

    Do you know how hard it is to find Gigi’s at night in the rain? I needed to pick up my 37 year old daughter,Chrissy,whom her dad dropped off for Fantastic Friends. The GPS was taking me in circles. I was determined to get there before it closed. And that is what my daughter has taught me…determination, in all her life. So I looked at the gps screen under Favorites and made it there in time. Funny how favorites fits her view of Gigi’s! (Mine too). Pat Billante

    • claremcronin on October 3, 2017 at 1:37 pm

      Hi Pat! We are SO glad that Chrissy is excited about GiGi’s and had a great time at Fantastic Friends!! Sorry about the GPS trouble, we’ll have to work on that…but LOVE that it was your favorites list to the rescue. Hope to see you all again soon!

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