Friendships and Fun At GiGi’s

Spring has sprung and new friendships are blooming at GiGi’s Playhouse in Fargo. I can’t tell you how how exciting that is to me.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Jennifer. I’m a volunteer here at GiGi’s Playhouse in Fargo. More importantly, I’m the mother of 3 kids. My youngest, Willow, has Down syndrome. When she was born, 2 1/2 years ago, GiGi’s didn’t exist in Fargo and I didn’t know anyone who had Down syndrome. Not one. single. person. To say I felt alone was an understatement.

I received Willow’s diagnosis shortly after her birth. I had heard of Down syndrome, but knew very little. The social worker who met with me at the hospital gave me a book about Down syndrome and rattled off a list of other resources, but most were just websites. She told me there was a local support group but couldn’t remember the name. The information was all so overwhelming. Insecurity ate at me.

I eventually discovered the name of that group and met some other families like mine, but it wasn’t until GiGi’s Playhouse opened in September of 2015 that I realized the depth of my support group. I am definitely not alone. Far from it.

It seems like every time I enter the door of GiGi’s, I make a new friend. It really is that instant, and I’m not the only one who feels that way. This is what my friend Deanna Ness has to say about GiGi’s:

“GiGi’s is an open door to where once a window with a pulled curtain existed. The people we meet there are answers to questions I have yet to form, and see my daughter and family as they are and not a diagnosis.”

Deanna’s daughter, Evelyn

Just typing those words brings tears to my eyes. Deanna and I met at the 2 and Under Playgroup at GiGi’s. Her 18-month old daughter, Evelyn, has Down syndrome. That group has helped me in so many ways. Of course, it’s also helped Willow. We’ve both gained a ton of friends and I’ve also gained a ton of knowledge. But, the 2 and Under group isn’t the only place I’ve made connections. My favorite times at GiGi’s are the family events like last week’s Spring Celebration.


I meet so many great friends at these events. While I spend a big chunk of time talking, my favorite activity is soaking up the smiles around me. Events like this erase all the question marks I have about Willow’s future and replace them with exclamation points. Lots of them. I always leave GiGi’s grateful for the journey we’re on and the new family it’s provided.


Whether you’re an expectant parent dealing with a diagnosis, a sibling of someone with Down syndrome, or a young adult rocking an extra chromosome, I invite you to check out GiGi’s Playhouse in Fargo. There are so many great programs currently offered and more to bloom soon. With GiGi’s now open in our community, no one ever has to feel alone. And, just like spring, the fun has only just begun….



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