Program Spotlight: Teen Tastic

What is Teen Tastic?

I think we can all agree, being a teenager is tough! Those years between childhood and “adulting” can feel awkward and uncertain, with so many personal changes and an increasingly complicated world to navigate. It’s often difficult to find confidence in who we are and to feel like we belong.

GiGi’s Playhouse is always a safe place to learn and grow for individuals of all ages, but it is especially important for our youth. In a judgement-free zone, Teen Tastic provides a space for youth to let loose while escaping from the challenges of this difficult life stage. It may look like a party from the outside, but Teen Tastic is an opportunity to gain empowerment, confidence, social skills, problem-solving, and leadership abilities among friends.

Through creative projects, games, dance parties and more, we aim to achieve the following:

  • Increase social skills, with focus on group participation and increasing leisure activity options
  • Verbal and nonverbal language development, with attention to appropriateness and maintaining conversation
  • Strengthen gross motor skills, with focus on general health, fitness, balance, and awareness of personal space
  • Improve fine motor skills & self-sufficiency through participation in various activities

Below are some images from our last session, where our wonderful program leader, Betsy, led the crew in tie-dying beach towels with their names on them. Everyone had a blast and the results were awesome!


All youth, with and without Down syndrome, are invited to attend Teen Tastic every first Saturday of the month, from 1 – 2pm. Friends and family are always welcome to participate as well. Our next meeting is Saturday July 2nd, and we hope to see you there!

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