Social Distancing: Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

March 21 is established as World Down Syndrome Day because Down syndrome is identified by a third copy of the 21st chromosome, hence 3/21. We are so sad that we will not be together on Saturday to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. We are all dealing with cabin fever as we protect not only ourselves, but more importantly, our community by reducing the opportunity for the spread of the Coronavirus, COVID 19. But not to worry. We have a ton of  fun ways to celebrate this special day from home on Saturday!

1. Take the 3-21 Challenge

Perform 3 Acts of Kindness

Draw a picture or write a note for a friend or loved one is a perfect way to spread kindness from home! Make some cookies and leave them on a neighbor’s porch! Deliver a home survival kit to an older neighbor or family member (hand sanitizer, fresh fruit, chocolate or other special treat, a roll of toilet paper if you can spare one!)  We all are in need of some smiles right now and this is a great way to do so! Share on social media, by making a video or writing a comment to three people on why they are amazing – let’s spread some positivity! Encourage them to also take the 3-21 Challenge to keep the RIPPLE Effect moving!

Rock Your Socks

Grab your silly, fun, mismatched socks! Lets remind everyone that things that are different are still beautiful and wonderful! #RockYourSocks with us on 3/21 and then post a pic on your social media accounts and tag us! Facebook and Instagram: @gigisplayhousedetroit and Twitter: @detroit_gigis

Donate $21 (or more)

You are supporting GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit in providing FREE therapeutic, educational and career training programs. We are 99% volunteer-run who provide over 350 hours of programming each month which means your generous donation goes right to where it counts the most: our services to our families.

By doing this, you are helping make #GenerationG a reality: Be Accepting. Be Generous. Be Kind.

2. Sock Hop Top 10 Team Annoucement

Head over to GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit’s Facebook page at 11:30AM to catch the annoucement of our Top 10 teams for our WDSD Sock Hop Event! We added a fun twist to the fundraising efforts and ALL teams who raised over $1000 will also be invited to our summer photo shoot- those teams will also be annouced.

3. At Home Dance Party

Turn on your favorite tunes and DANCE! No better way to bring some smiles than music and fun dance moves.

4. Tune in to GiGi’s Playhouse Virtual Event

GiGi’s Playhouse will be hosting a virtual event on 3/21 @ 3:21 PM (EST) to celebrate WDSD with all our friends and family across the US & Mexico. There is a special surprise and you are not going to want to miss it!

5. Wear Blue & Yellow

Down syndrome awareness is represented through the colors blue and yellow. Wear these colors on 3/21 to celebrate Down syndrome!

6. Help Educate Others

Post a story on social media about a loved one with Down syndrome. Break down the barriers and sterotypes that often surround our amazing loved ones. GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit will be sharing on WDSD tons of great stories, feel free to share our posts to your social media to help spread awareness!

Help us flood the internet with celebration and excitement for our amazing friends with Down syndrome. Tag @gigisplayhousedetroit in all your posts and be sure to use the hashtag #GiGiswdsd 


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