It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Volunteer Spotlight :)

Chris and Mary  Chris, Mary, and Ryan


Chris and Mary have been spending their afternoons weeding, moving rocks, planning, and planting! Mary and Chris adopted the planters in front of GiGi’s, and they have some amazing plans! Mary explained that their goal is to “make the outside of GiGi’s just as beautiful, inspiring, and positive as the inside.” It’s been an absolute joy to watch the their planning and hard work come to life a little bit each day. Chris and Mary’s hard work has been an inspiration to the families and friends of GiGi’s Des Moines as well as the community! Just last week while the dynamic duo dug up dirt to make room for new soil, a passerby named Ryan stopped to praise their good work and ended up staying to help! Ryan was excited to learn about GiGi’s and happy to “do something positive” after a trying day at work. Stop by to check-out the blooming flowers!


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  1. Gretchen on May 30, 2015 at 9:10 am

    This is so awesome!! Thank you!

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