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“i have a voice” Traveling Gallery Unveiling!

We are so excited at GiGi's Playhouse Des Moines! The unveiling of our "i have a voice" Traveling Gallery is 8am this Friday, the 28th at Jordan Creek Mall in the lower level by Younkers. What is it you say? It's a gallery. It's a movement. It's a campaign designed...
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Vote for GiGi’s Playhouse- Just One Click and You Can Change the Life of a Child!

We have less than week to get our votes in for the Chase Community Giving Giveaway. Please make sure you get your friends and family to vote for GiGi's Playhouse, Inc! By voting you can help GiGi's keep programs FREE. You can vote on our main page or at for Chase...
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VOTE for GiGi’s Playhouse INC|20-0058563|ref|caa6ad4346 Vote Today for GiGi's Playhouse INC! MISSION GiGi’s Playhouse, Down syndrome awareness and education centers, opened in 2003 generating advocacy and acceptance globally for the Down syndrome community. Thousands of families are receiving free educational and therapeutic programs at Playhouses nationwide. GiGi's Playhouses are Down syndrome educational and awareness...
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Come Celebrate with us on Saturday!

Your family is invited to join us from 10am-Noon for the Ribbon Cutting Celebration of the GiGi's Playhouse-Des Moines Therapeutic Play Center! The Ceremony will at 10:30am. We invite all adults to join us for the FUN-draiser at Winestyles in Johnston from 6-9pm!  REGISTER HERE The new Therapeutic Play Center was designed...
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Ribbon Cutting Celebration for Therapeutic Play Center

     Help us welcome the Gianni Family back to GiGi’s Playhouse-Des Moines on Saturday, September 8!  Nancy & GiGi have been doing a “Tour de GiGi’s Playhouses” this summer and are making the stop in Des Moines to help us celebrate our achievements & accomplishments throughout the Playhouse!       Your...
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Down syndrome Awareness Bows & Headbands

Stop in at GiGi's Playhouse-Des Moines to purchase your Down syndrome Awareness Bows & Headbands!  This is a cool way to show off your support for Down syndrome!  These are handcrafted, homemade with love bows and headbands by Bonnie's Angels!  You can purchase each for $6 with 50% going to...
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Local Scentsy Dealer donates to GiGi’s Playhouse-DSM

Go to: click on the left hand side GiGi's Playhouse and order a Special Olympics warmer! Katie is donating 100% of her profits from each sale to GiGi's Playhouse-Des Moines. That is a donation of $15.00 each sold burner!  Imagine, that will help pay for our Free Programming, it can help a...
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Bonnie’s Angels

We have a family member who is making the most of her hobby!  Hair bows, hats, tutus, t-shirts and more.  Contact her at:!
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Personalized Name Puzzles

We have a Family Member who is making Personalized Name Puzzles.  Email: to order yours.  These make great gifts for: birthdays, Christmas, new baby, and so much more.  We have found that they are a great educational tool!
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Chicago Cubs & GiGi’s Playhouse team up

The Chicago Cubs team up with GiGi's Playhouse  to support Down syndrome Awareness The Chicago Cubs Organization has, again this year, offered  GiGi's Playhouse tickets for the August 15th game.   Wednesday, August 15th Chicago Cubs vs Houston Astros First Pitch - 1:20 p.m. Ticket Price - FREE How to...
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Math Volunteer Tutor Training

On Sunday, July 8 at 2:30 you are invited to attend our Math Volunteer Training. This training will be lead by Shari who is a Volunteer from the National GiGi's Playhouse Office!  Shari has been involved in teh Math Program since its inception and will teach us how to Tutor...
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Literacy Volunteer Tutor Training

Join us on Sun, July 8 at 12:30 for an informational Training Session with Shari. Shari is a Volunteer from our national GiGi's Playhouse Officeand has trained with Patricia Olewin and brought the Literacy Program to GiGi's Playhouse!   If you are a new, former or current Tutor we would...