Register for Math Now!

Here are a few comments from some of our volunteer tutors regarding how our learners are progressing:
–I think it’s best when you’re learning and you don’t even know it… so I always try to keep that in mind!
–He’s such a little rockstar!
–It might be baby steps but it’s always progress.
–We’ve had a chance to play some of the math games which he loves.
He is such a sweetheart.
–I know we are taking her back to the basics which she needs. We are having a blast!
–I discovered, he knows more than expected!
To become a part of the Math Program either as a Learner or a Tutor please contact us at:!  Our next session starts in February and is filling fast! Tutor Training is on Wednesday, January 9 at 6pm, if you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Tutor we will see you then!

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