Miracle Maker, Michael Mazek

A HUGE thank you to Michael Mazek for donating four iPads and a smart TV to GiGi’s Chicago!  Mike is the founding attorney at Mazek Law Group, a private boutique firm located in the North Center neighborhood that provides high quality legal representation at affordable rates.  While out for a walk one day, Mike noticed our playhouse.   He found our website and contacted us.

Why iPads and a TV?

The iPads and smart TV are instrumental resources for our purposeful programs.  Students enrolled in our literacy and math tutoring will use the iPads to develop skills in phonemic awareness, letter recognition, number sense and more.  Most of all, students will love learning on the iPads and see it as fun, rather than a chore.  We will use the smart TV in our family welcome area to highlight programs and events.  In addition, we will use the TV for karaoke and movie nights. as well as for following a fitness video for our upcoming Get Fit program for teens!

#GenerationG in Action:  Stronger Together

Mike told us he believes in supporting the community and believes in setting a good example for his children. We are truly honored and humbled that he chose GiGi’s to support and benefit from his generosity and kindness. Thank you for being one of our playhouses Miracle Makers!

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