Super Special Cousins

We use the month of October, Down Syndrome Awareness Month, to raise awareness and money for GiGi’s throughout the community.  Last year, we had an outpouring of support from our community.  We also had amazing support from our volunteers, friends and family.  One of the family members who touched our hearts was an 11 year old boy, Colin.   He donated the entire contents of his piggy bank for his little cousin, Owen.  Colin explained why he donated and this is his story:

“I personally love GiGI’s Playhouse.  I love this place because it makes kids with Down syndrome feel like they are at hone with all these loving kids around them.  I didn’t really know what Down syndrome was until I heard my Aunt Katie was having a baby with Down syndrome.  After Owen was born, I realized that I should be more involved with kids with Down syndrome. Then I also realized you can be a part of volunteering even if you don’t know someone with Down syndrome!  I have since helped with Special Recreation Groups at 2 different parks in Chicago.  This is why I wanted to donate my piggy bank savings to GiGi’s Playhouse.”  

Colin Gillepsie, age 11

Colin Owen DSAM small

We’d say Owen is one lucky boy to have such a great cousin in his corner.  Thank you so much to Colin and to everyone in our community that helps us spread awareness.

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