Meet Our EPIC Superheroes!


This past month in our EPIC: Journaling Club, we discussed positive affirmations, what it means to be a superhero and our inner superheroes powers. Everyone in the group shared what makes them strong, brave, happy and more importantly who their sidekicks are. Meet our amazing superheroes below!


Meet Kate!

  • Superhero name: KateKat
  • Superpower: Flexibility and mindreading
  • KateKat feels the happiest when she is laughing, smiling, and having fun. Her strength comes from her best friends. She feels brave when she is talking to her best friends.
  • Sidekick : Her best friend


Meet Maggie!

  • Superhero name: Hammer
  • Superpower: Muscle strength
  • Hammer feels so happy when she is helping people. She gains strength from her bravery and her bravery comes from knowing she can do anything she puts her mind to.
  • Sidekick : Hulk


Meet Emily!

  • Superhero name: Emily Muscles
  • Superpower: Muscles
  • Emily Muscles is the happy when she is at GiGi’s Playhouse. She feels strong when she does yoga. Her bravery comes from playing volleyball.
  • Sidekick : Cats


Meet Ryan!

  • Superhero name: Batgirl
  • Superpower: Girl power
  • Batgirl is the happiest when she is eating and dancing. She gets her strength from working out. Her bravery comes from music.
  • Sidekick: Anna


Meet Quincy!

  • Superhero name: Matthew’s Girl
  • Superpower: Playing games
  • Matthew’s Girl is the happiest when she is with her boyfriend Matt. She gets her strength from the quality time she spends with her boyfriend. Telling jokes makes her feel brave.
  • Sidekick: Matthew


Meet Matthew!

  • Superhero name: Captain Positivity
  • Superpower: Gains strength by cheering people up and uplifting others.
  • Captain Positivity is happy when he is spreading love, joy, and optimism. He feels strong when his action can impact others in a positive way. His bravery comes from everything he has overcome and what he can help others do.
  • Sidekick: Quincy Positivity woman

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