Un Poema de la Madre (A Mother’s Poem) By: Griss

Tener un hijo especial es una constante lucha de nervios y de corre y corre de entrar y salir del hospital Es amar sin condiciones Es luchar siempre por sus derechos Es buscar información Es reír llorando Es pelear duramente por ellos Es conocer personas maravillosas como tú Gracias Dios por verme elegido ser madre…

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Volunteer Spotlight: “Who Is In Your Framily?”

We are so very grateful for Amanda Finnis, a volunteer who goes above and beyond for GiGi’s Playhouse Annapolis, and of course having Amanda, Sven, Ainsley, and Taryn in the Playhouse is the “Best of All”! Prior to our Grand Opening, Amanda helped extensively securing in-kind & service donations through her community, including our excellent…

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Where Parachutes Lift You Up!

By: Sandy Shearer As a volunteer for the Tuesday morning LMNOP class, I get to watch things unfold…and it’s a beautiful thing to see!   The LMNOP (Language, Music, ‘N Our Peeps) class is for babies 0-3 years old filled with purposeful and fun activities. Tressa D. leads us in learning basic sign language, singing,…

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