Volunteer Spotlight Spreading Smiles: Karleigh and GiGi’s Playhouse Birthday Cards 

Ever wondered about the person behind GiGi’s Playhouse Birthday Cards? Meet Karleigh—a joyful volunteer making a difference one birthday card at a time. Her journey with GiGi’s Playhouse began with a love for shared experiences and family support, driving her to discover the inclusive community at GiGi’s Playhouse. 
Karleigh, the creative force behind GiGi’s Playhouse Birthday Cards, gathers supplies, plans weekly card creation, and ensures each card is filled with joy. Checking supplies, highlighting upcoming birthdays, and making a trip to the post office, she turns each birthday into a special occasion. Her role fosters community well-being, bringing joy to recipients and creating touching moments, like witnessing her cousin open a birthday card. Despite challenges, the pride she feels in making people happy and sharing her role outweighs any difficulty. Her volunteer experience brings deep fulfillment, making a positive difference in the world one birthday card at a time. Karleigh believes in the power of small gestures, like GiGi’s Playhouse Birthday Cards, to strengthen community bonds. Eager for more projects, she looks forward to art classes, dancing, parties, and virtual cooking classes at GiGi’s Playhouse. 
This joyful force, Karleigh, embodies the spirit of GiGi’s Playhouse Birthday Cards, making our community brighter. Thank you for your positive impact! 

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