October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month! Today we are celebrating our friend Gil!


Gil Andreas was born on October 21, 2014 and spent much of his life in the hospital.  He went home to be with Jesus on July 15, 2015.  He was our sweet red-headed little boy.  He loved to blow raspberries and had the biggest smile.  We loved everything about him…we thought he was perfect.
We were able to visit at GiGi’s on a couple of occasions.  GiGi’s is a wonderful place of love and support and acceptance.  Diane works hard to make everyone feel welcome.  We adopted Gil and his birth family is very special to us.  They visited GiGi’s Playhouse with us several times.  Diane gave both me and Gil’s birthmom great big hugs and asked us to come often.  It was beautiful to see Diane love and welcome both of Gil’s families.  I am so grateful for that. -Allison, Gil’s Mom

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