October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month! Today we are celebrating our friend Christian!

Christian 1

Christian was born October 9, 2013 around 6pm.  The following morning my OB told me he showed signs of Down syndrome and my heart sank.  I was lost, confused, a deer caught in headlights.  I had never met
anyone with Down syndrome and my world was shattered.

Very shortly I pulled myself together and started my new journey, a Mom of a child with special needs.  I found GiGi’s Playhouse online and first visited the location in Oak Forest when Christian was 3 months old.  Diane greeted us, showed us around, and an overwhelming sense of pride and joy surrounded us giving me the courage and strength to know that everything was going to be OK!

GiGi’s Playhouse is our 2nd home!  My older 2 boys are excited and so happy anytime we plan a visit to the beautiful, new Tinley Park location!  GiGi’s has given me and my whole family an awesome
awareness and mindset of the beauty that comes along when a family is blessed with the greatest wonder and compassion of a child with Down syndrome!  -Sandy, Christian’s Mom


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