Anna’s Diagnosis Story


Anna’s Diagnosis Story
By Mom, Angela

I was 20 weeks pregnant with a 9 month old baby at home when we got the call. The ultrasound showed that our baby had a severe heart defect. And only 20% of babies born with that defect do not have Down Syndrome. That was the cardiologist’s way of saying that our baby had an 89% chance of having Down Syndrome. Still, we decided against any testing. Either she did or didn’t, her heart was more important. And that is how it’s been ever since. The extra chromosome is secondary. For us, it is the same as her gender and skin color. It just is. I will say that our Anna Bean is the strongest, most laid back person I know. She rocked her heart surgery at 4 months with ease. She has me taught to not sweat the small stuff. Anna is our miracle baby.

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  1. linda jones on October 12, 2016 at 7:31 pm

    Love it

  2. Gigi Cunningham on October 12, 2016 at 9:30 pm

    I love this story, Anna is so Beautiful!!

  3. Kimberly Stallings on October 12, 2016 at 9:39 pm

    Love my future daughter in law

  4. Claudia on October 12, 2016 at 11:53 pm

    What a wonderful outlook. Nothing you could have done to change the outcome so acceptance was key. My grandmother used to say “bless ya bones”; but for Anna Bean, I will day “bless ya heart”!

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