Get to Know GiGi’s Playhouse One-on-One Literacy Program

What is the goal of the One-on-One Literacy program?

The goal is to foster a love for reading and provide an opportunity to develop and master skills, all while building a positive relationship with the volunteer tutors.

What are some the of basic logistics?

Students start in our program as young as age 3 and continue throughout adulthood. Weekly lessons last 45-60 minutes for 8-10 weeks at a time. Family members attend each tutoring session and leave with practical activities to continue the learning at home.

What are the key principles of the program?

Teach using materials that are meaningful and relevant to the student to maximize interest.  Teach with a multi-sensory approach to build and confidence and reinforce learnings.  Teach students to practice, transfer and generalize newly learned skills.  Teach students to comprehend and use information gained from reading to apply to their real-world experiences.

What does the framework of the program look like?

In order to achieve literacy principles, the GiGi’s Playhouse 1-On-1 Literacy Program is defined by three distinct levels:

Level One is for beginning readers. We introduce phonemic awareness, pre-reading skills, and sight word reading.

Level Two is for students who are starting to read books with one or two sentences without having to learn each word as a sight word first. They have the skill and confidence to pick up a book and start reading it. Comprehension is the focus at this level.

Level Three is for students who are interested in learning to be more independent when reading.

Each student will progress through these levels at their own pace!


Will the literacy program conflict with what my child is learning in school?

GiGi’s Playhouse 1-On-1 Literacy Tutoring Program is intended to supplement the education students receive at school, not replace or replicate the school curriculum. Literacy is designed to be a success-oriented guide to help students gain skills and confidence they can carry-over into their literacy skills at school, home, and in the community.

How can you tell if progress is being in the program?

There are defined specific purposeful progressions for each level of literacy to serve as the objectives for the lessons. Students gain success as they build confidence! Tutors and Playhouses to use the literacy progress trackers so results of purposeful progressions can be captured and assessed. Tracking of student’s progress is based on levels of independence. To achieve success (independence), students need to build confidence through the purposeful progressions that are defined in the progress tracking sheet.

And as always it is imperative to see each small success as that student’s BEST OF ALL for that week. Each week we expect the student to do just a little better than the week before and celebrate his/her accomplishments.

If I want to volunteer to be a tutor, what do I have to do?

  1. Complete the volunteer application
  2. Attend Volunteer Orientation
  3. Complete tutor specific online training
  4. Attend on-site tutor training and work with Literacy Coordinator to create your first lesson plan
  5. Be creative! Be inspired! Make an Impact!

I would like my loved one to attend Springs 2022 Literacy session, what do I need to do?

Stay tuned for social media and newsletter marketing of open registration for the Spring session. Register you child and indicate availability.  The Playhouse will match you with a tutor and come ready to learn!

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