A taste of the continents- Volunteer Spotlight

“Hello! My name is Glynis Moinet. I got involved with GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse because I think it’s an amazing opportunity to connect with people all over the country who don’t have GiGi’s playhouse where they live. I am the program leader for Virtual GiGi’s Kitchen Adult. This is a program where we most of all have FUN! But we also learn about nutrition, kitchen skills/safety, and together we prepare a new recipe each week.  

So many moments were special to me leading this program this Fall. All of the participants and helpers were so open to trying new types of food. As I have traveled all over the world, I had this idea of cooking food from different continents! We had the best time cooking food from Asia, Europe, South America and North America. Every week we have “best of all moments,” when the participants are smiling so big and interacting with each other! 

When I’m not volunteering with GiGi’s I am a hairstylist. I am also an avid lover of the outdoors and love walking my dog Cocoa in the beautiful parks of North Carolina each day. I volunteer in several different communities, and I LOVE it! I would highly recommend volunteering to others. At first you may not think you are qualified for the task but most organizations have training, so you don’t have to be qualified, you just have to be willing! I can guarantee you will get so much more out of volunteering than you could imagine! Most of all you will bring so much joy to others. 

My advice to future virtual volunteers is to not be afraid to just jump in! Learn to laugh at yourself and most of all have FUN! “

Volunteer Spotlight- Lisa MC

A Lesson in Connection and Empowerment 

Lisa had the opportunity to work with GiGi’s Playhouse over the past 16 weeks. Her role involved tutoring and connecting with participants in a virtual setting. At first, Lisa felt nervous and unsure of what to expect. She wasn’t sure how she could help or if she could make a real difference. However, she quickly…

Volunteer Spotlight – Jake’s volunteer experience inspired him to take action! 

Jake Kingsbury started volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix during his sophomore year in high school helping with group programs. In his junior year in high school, he became a Youth Board member.  Jake collaborated with other Youth Board members to provide group activities for the participants, as well as spread GiGi’s Acceptance Challenge to fellow…

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The Joy of Story Telling

At the heart of our Virtual Playhouse lies something truly special, the joy of storytelling. We are incredibly fortunate to have a dynamic mother-daughter duo who volunteer with us each month to create a magical Storytime experience for our participants. But what truly stands out is the bond they share, not just as mother and…

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