Two Years! | Down Syndrome Achievement, Syracuse New York

Two years, it has been two years since the doors of GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse opened after months and months of hard work from a group of determined passion filled individuals, thank you to each and every one of you.  In two short years we have grown and learned so much. We have meet new friends who quickly become family. We have been supported and cheered on from community leaders and business owners. We are thankful for it all!


On Saturday we opened the doors and invited everyone to come and help us celebrate.  It was good and loud and filled with laughter and music. It was easy to look around and smile.



We love our favorite DJ Skip Clark, he always comes when we ask and we all know a party is just not a party without good music. Thank you Skip for all you do.

Here we have Miss Elise showing Skip a video of herself dancing to “What Does the Fox Say” she had requested it a few times and each time he played it for her.


Sarah made sure we all knew the moves to Cotton Eyed Joe!



There was also some intense air hockey games! Nadia made sure Skip knew what to do.





Are any words needed for these beautiful ladies? It is so exciting to know these girls have a place that is all theirs. They will grow, learn and make best friends here. They will shine and be examples to the world.




Two of our newest friends, oh we are all smitten with you two! Since we are a Playhouse filled with baby hogs things could get dicey 😉







Tea parties and baby playing, always a must.





We have superheros around every corner.





Love, we have lots and lots of love.




Thank you everyone who came and brought the Playhouse a gift!  We would love to hear from everyone. What have you enjoyed the past two years and what would you like to see in 2015? Please comment here or on FB, we can only grow  stronger together, so don’t be shy! Share your ideas, find out how you can help. Together we are STRONGER!



We put together a quick video to share more of our favorite moments from this past year, we look forward to making new memories, dreaming big and celebrating achievements!





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  1. Richard Reilly on November 17, 2014 at 8:48 am

    Heather and All at Syracuse, such a refreshing blog. And timely. Many beautiful happenings occur at each Playhouse and to have them posted and shared right away is the next best thing for some of us to being with you. My words come from home in Norwalk, Ct. on a rainy Monday morning. Your words, photos and slide show have brought a rainbow of inspiration to my day. When I traveled up two years ago to be with you for the Grand Opening, Nancy Gianni asked me to give out hugs from her and GiGi. I look forward to coming again soon, with my wife Marilee, to personally congratulate you for the “Greater Potential” success that GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse has risen to. A community achieving the mission and reaching much beyond the front door. BIG LOVE! Richard – The Grandparent Connection.

    • hrodriguez on November 17, 2014 at 9:19 am

      Richard once again you fill our eyes with happy tears. Thank you for always being a voice of encouragement and a beautiful example of teamwork. We look forward to having you and Marilee come and visit us again.

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