Here we come 2017!

What a busy year it has been for GiGi’s Playhouse’s across the nation! In the last year, GiGi’s Playhouse had over 10,000 program hours, over 16,000 program participants, and over 50,000 volunteer hours including therapists, tutors, event chairpersons, and more! We cannot wait to see what 2017 will bring!

Here we come 2017!

Here are just some a few of the highlights of what GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse has accomplished this year with the help of friends, families, volunteers and donors!
~ Together we served a total of 323 individuals, 125 of which were individuals with Down syndrome.
~ Made many new friends. 144 new individuals of all abilities, 62 of which are individuals with Down syndrome have participated in the Purposeful Programing at GiGi’s Playhouse.
~ Educated thousands of people in our community through 13 outreach events including the NYS Fair.
~ Added 4 purposeful programs; revamped an additional 4 for a total of 14 engaging programs.
~ Provided one on one literacy tutoring for 7 students at no cost to their families!

~ Held amazing events,  2016 ‘i have a Voice’ gala, 5k & Dash for Down Syndrome, World Down Syndrome Day, Pancake Breakfast, Celebrity Bartending and we are excited to see more friends join us in 2017!


GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse



We are so fortunate to have such an amazing community of supporters, volunteers, staff, families and friends. Without the gift each one of you brings to GiGi’s Playhouse we would not be here. Your time, talents and treasures are helping children to read, strengthen their skills and abilities, develop social skills that will insure they will be successful in life. As Nancy Gianni says “we support families from couch to career”  We will be there when parents receive their new diagnoses and we will be there everyday after.  Each year we grow stronger, reach new families and increase our voice. We are changing the way the world see’s Down syndrome. One Child, one diagnosis, one community at a time.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey, and for the way you help!


Wishing you the “Best of All” for 2017!

GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse


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