We met our baby when he was born…….

 We are welcoming another family to the blog today. Sharing a bit about those first moments with their baby.  Thank you Kristen xoxo

Thursday morning January 27, 2011 started unremarkably.  I was going to the ob for a routine check about a week before my due date.  I ended the day in labor and my youngest baby was born shortly after midnight on January 28.  We went from a family of 5 to a family of 6.  Little did I know that this baby would turn our world upside down.  He was quickly whisked to the NICU, for what I was assured was a pit stop.  Soon after I was told some “terrible news”.  Our baby had trisomy 21.  This came as a complete shock to us.  We had turned down all prenatal tests.  We met our baby, when he was born.  Not a possible diagnosis, months ahead of time.  We would do it the same way all over again.
The neonatologist could not have been more wrong.  Ezra is not terrible news.  He is a blessing we have the wonderful opportunity to parent.  He is sweet and gentle, he loves everyone and everyone loves him.


We want to hear from you! Have something you would like to share and encourage other families with? Anything from milestones like walking, talking and potty training to stories of  how your child, sibling or loved one changed the way you see the world. All of our stories matter! 

please e-mail hrodriguez@gigisplayhouse.org

Have you heard that Drivers Village is giving away TWO tickets to this years ‘i have a voice” Gala? Click here to go enter! 

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  1. Linda M Earsing on February 7, 2014 at 1:20 pm

    Our blessing of a little man. Just one look at the smile will fill your hearts, I promise.
    luv ya Ezzie!
    Aunt Linda

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