Acceptance | GiGi’s Playhouse, Down Syndrome Achievement Centers

Good Monday morning friends! We are half way through Down Syndrome ACCEPTANCE month and it has been so inspiring seeing all the amazing information being shared on social media about our amazing friends! Keep it up, we are changing perceptions.



Can you just picture a world where everyone accepts everyone, NO MATTER WHAT? This whole world would change. I can just imagine all the yuck stories of the nightly news being wiped from my television screen to be replaced with heart warming stories of human kindness and dignity. Generosity is contagious. My goodness, it’s why I always say GiGi’s Playhouse makes me better. I watch the way they accept and give and love giving and it makes me want to be a better being. Everyone should believe in generation G because then everybody will. I want that world so badly! I want my children to live in a world where they accept whoever they meet and where they are accepted just the same.

Being pregnant, I have a lot of mood swings these days and so being kind sometimes elludes me….but I wake up everyday with a mindset of being a better me than the day before. I imagine all of the people out there who’ve done it so good; I’m talking the big ones like Mother Theresa and Dr. King but I’m talking others too. There are so many. There are the people who adopt older kids from orphanages with disabilities or ones who volunteer in the pediatric cancer ward. There are children who are just being children and make generosity look easy. They all inspire me. And so in the morning I pray to be more like them and I flush out my prayer by naming all of the things I adore about the good people in this world. Also, I try to keep negativity from escaping my lips. I’m not perfect and my life has stresses, so when the nasty seeps through the sieve , I am careful to follow up with a positive message to myself and out into the universe. GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse, Acceptance

The whole world thinks of people like my son in terms of “he can’t. He can’t: get married, have babies, drive a car, go to college, be a doctor, live alone….the truth is I don’t really know about all of that yet because he’s still a little learning machine. What I will tell you, is that in his brain, he is the little engine that could. I think I can I think I can I think I can…. As in, I think I can climb these stairs, go in the bathroom and turn on the bath tub water, so I will. Or I don’t want to wear pants so I can stop you with my strength and pure will. I like pancakes so I can figure out how to eat a whole one all by myself. I can be determined, stubborn, and I can communicate my needs. I can be just like my brother and I can defy how those profile me. I say if Judah thinks he can who are we to stop him? We tell everyone we meet, he can do anything anyone can do. Don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine. Let him try. He’ll either do it or be furious he can’t and work tirelessly to fix that. This kid keeps handing out lessons to the world like Halloween candy. Believe he can and he will.



Thank you Beth for sharing some inspiration with us today! To read more from Beth you can find her blog HERE


GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse


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  1. Amy on October 17, 2016 at 12:06 pm

    You just made my day better, thank you ?

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