Thank you for taking the Plunge with GiGi’s Playhouse

On March 24, 2018, GiGi’s Playhouse, Layton had its 5th Annual Playhouse Plunge at Willard Bay State Park and it was AMAZING.  There was over 300 people there to support us and National Down Syndrome Day (3/21) despite the wind and cold temperatures. We are excited to say that we not only met but exceeded our goal for funds raised this year! Our goal could not have met without each and every person that supported us! Also, a special shout out to Cambridge.  He and his BSA troop did an exceptional job on his eagle project as they helped us with this event.  Thank you again!

Since this event is one of the main fundraisers for our Layton playhouse, it helps to fund the 14 or more amazing No-Cost Programs.  These programs are offered to anyone with Down syndrome in Utah and surrounding areas.  The Layton, Utah playhouse is the only one in Utah. Located in Davis county, we service people in Davis as well as Weber, Box Elder, Salt Lake Counties. Occasionally we even have people in other states come to take advantage of this great opportunity.  It is amazing to watch the people in the community come together to help make it possible for us to make a life time commitment to our families!

As we look forward to an exceptional 2018 we hope you will continue to support. You can volunteer, donate, sponsor, attending our upcoming “i have a voice” Gala in September and so much more!  Please visit our website for more information.

#playhouseplunge18 #generationg #wdsd

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