2021 Casino Royale Gala
We are EXCITED to announce that GiGi’s Playhouse will host its annual “i have a voice” Gala.
GiGi’s Casino Royale, October 23,2021 at Warehouse 22 in Syracuse, UT.
Now more than ever our Playhouse and families need your support! As it did with most of America, Covid-19 has severely impacted our Playhouse with closures and cancellation of our biggest fundraiser, the Gala. The continued life of our Playhouse is in jeopardy! You can be a true hero in the lives of our local individuals with Down syndrome by supporting our 2021 Gala as a sponsor or impact partner.
The generosity of Utah business such as LET’S ROAM aid us in our commitment of continuing to offer our programs at no cost, all while continuing our Global message of acceptance.
Join us at our Casino Royale Gala and have a chance to bid on a local Scavenger Hunt from Let’s Roam!
This year’s event will feature entertainment, inspiration from our participants, a sit-down dinner, silent auction, Giving Tree, casino room and more! Visit our Gala page for more information on being a sponsor, purchasing tickets or donating an Auction item. Or you can email us with any questions layton@gigisplayhouse.org
More importantly, the Gala is an opportunity to celebrate achievements and continue to change the way people view Down syndrome.
Miracles do happen at GiGi’s Playhouse Layton, where we turn belief into achievement.
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