Katie and Mikayla

When you hear the word intern, you probably think of coffee runs and low-level busy work. Well, here at GiGi’s Playhouse Rockford, we think of interns quite differently. Our interns are integral to the overall functioning of the Playhouse. Interning with us gives you a real insight into what it looks and feels like to be staff at the Playhouse, and their hard work makes such a difference in our day-to-day operations, especially our programming. But, of course, with that comes a lot of responsibility, but we have never been let down by an intern yet. We love seeing interns come in, take on leadership roles, and show their creativity and passion in what they do in the Playhouse. 

When we think of all the fantastic and dedicated interns we’ve had, Katie Carlson and Mikayla Johnson are definitely two of our standouts. During their internships, they took leadership roles in our career development programs and were always willing to jump in and help with anything we needed. They are so dedicated to the Playhouse that Katie and Mikayla have volunteered to move into leadership roles for Playhouse programs. Mikayla will be our Teentastic lead, and Katie is stepping up to cover Art Explosion while Wendy Palumino departs for her maternity leave. Seeing our interns return and take the initiative to lead a program is truly special. When they heard that we needed lead volunteers for these programs, both remarkable young women jumped in head-first. We are so thrilled to see what they have in store for our participants. Thank you, Mikayla and Katie!

Mikayla with PJ and Sam
Mikayla with Ashley
Katie with GiGi U

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