Couple of Changes
Family Fun Night – Cars, Cookout and Country will take place this Friday, June 10th NOT Saturday, June 11th. Hope to see you all there!
Our first Cars, Cookout and Country for our Teens and Adults was a hit! Be sure to bring your blankets, lawn chairs and if need be, strollers. GiGi’s Playhouse Rockford will be the place to be Friday at 6;30 – 8:30.
TEEN TASTICS WILL NOT TAKE PLACE ON JUNE 18TH. Instead we are encouraging our teens to attend the Green Bear Fair at Magic Waters on Monday evening, June 28th from 4:00 – 9:00. Get your tickets early from GiGi’s for $7.50. They will cost $11.50 at the gates.
The Green Bear Fair is a resource fair for people with disabilities and will have many agencies available to help people with community connections! GiGi’s Playhouse Rockford will be set up – stop by to say hi!
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