We’re grateful for the friends we meet along the way!
I am grateful to have a place to go to that accepts me.
I am grateful for all the friends I have met, both participants and volunteers.
I am grateful for GiGi’s Phoenix and all it does for me and so many others.
I am grateful I can have this blog, so you can meet my awesome friends!
I am happy for you to meet my friends Madison and Katie! I think they are so cute! If you see them, please wish them a Happy Birthday!! Madison and Katie turn 4 this month😀😀
They love LMNOP because music is their favorite thing!❤️
Madison and Katie love to play pretend; “cooking” food and playing with their baby dolls are some of their favorite things to do. They also love anything with Anna and Elsa from Disney’s Frozen❤️!
Madison’s favorite food is cheese and Katie’s favorite food is avocado! (Those both sound yummy😀). Madison has the nickname Maddie and Katie has the nickname Katie bug or Katie girl. When asked what they like most about GiGi’s they said they both like the LMNOP program and the seasonal events😀. Their mom Sarah said she appreciates having a mom’s night out at M.A.M.A. Says! Their family loves having a place to meet and build community with families like theirs, and to celebrate all of the unique and wonderful things about Down syndrome💕💙💛💕
To join us for LMNOP follow this link: https://gigisplayhouse.org/phoenix/sfcalendar/
Our friend and guest blogger, Brett knows all about LMNOP! He is not only a participant at the Playhouse, but he has also been a great example to other families through volunteering as a co-lead in the LMNOP program! It’s not always easy to lead a group of babies through songs and storytime, but Brett’s great reading and unlimited patience has helped many parents have a few free minutes to chat and helped the youngest members of the Playhouse develop communication and relationship skills. As the unofficial “Playhouse Mayor” Brett is always quick to share a smile, set an amazing example, and send a birthday card to our participants and volunteers.
From our youngest participants, like Madison and Katie, to one our original participants, Brett, we are so grateful for the unique talents, personalities and joy that each of our participants bring to the Playhouse!

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