“It’s the Friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey . . . . .”

Guest Blog submitted by Brett Schatzman

GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix Self Advocate

Brett would like you to meet

some of his Playhouse friends….. They are so AWESOME!!



Amoure’s favorite program is when there is music! Amoure’s favorite toys are dolls and her favorite hobby is dancing💕.  Her favorite food is pizza (I agree, I love pizza too😀). Amoure’s mom calls her “Lovey” as a nickname! Amoure’s favorite thing about GiGi’s is all her friends❤️.



Liam’s favorite programs are LMNOP and GiGiFit for toddlers! He loves that he gets to play with new friends each week and explore new spaces😀. Liam’s favorite hobby is stacking toys and boxes! He also loves going on a walk and going to the park with his mom (sounds like fun😀). Liam’s favorite food is Mac and cheese (that is a great choice, I love that too, yum, yum!)

His nickname is Liam! He was named William after his grandpa but all his friends call him Liam❤️. Liam loves GiGi’s because of all the friends he gets to make each time he goes and all the play time he gets to have!



Ali’s favorite program is GiGiFit. She likes to workout with Lauren and her friends (I really like GiGiFit too)! Ali’s hobby is WWE, she wants to be a wrestler😀. Her favorite food is sushi! Ali’s nickname is Bug, her mom calls her that all the time! Ali likes GiGi’s because she gets to learn and try new things❤️



Grace’s favorite program is of course, LMNOP! It’s how she got started with GiGi’s Playhouse and after a while, she would sit right in between me (Brett) and Laura during the sing and sing along time. (I loved having my little friend right next to me❤️)! It was like Grace was taking lessons to learn how to run the program when she gets older!  Grace’s favorite toy/hobby is first, the iPad. She is obsessed with YouTube. Her second favorite hobby would be going to the park and swinging. She asks to do that every day😀.  Grace’s favorite food is from McDonald’s as every day she says “I hungry McDonald’s”. She usually orders a hamburger with just ketchup, French fries, and a Sprite. She likes to dip her fries in ketchup! (Sounds yummy, I love fries and Sprite too!!). At home, her favorite meal is macaroni and cheese with a side of strawberries. Grace usually goes by Grace or Gracie but her full name is Grace Harper Suddreth.

The best part about GiGi’s Playhouse is when Grace and the family walked through the front door, Grace instantly feels comfortable and heads right for the toys. It is truly a place where she feels right at home❤️. Grace and family are looking to get more involved with other Saturday programs after the holidays. Grace wants to start going to the Little Sports program.



Submitted by Brett Schatzman

GiGi’ Playhouse Phoenix Self Advocate

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