It’s the Friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey . . . . .

Brett would like you to meet

one of his Playhouse friends….. Elijah is so AWESOME!!



Elijah’s favorite program at GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix is LMNOP! He loves all the music and he (and mom) love to learn new sign language signs so we can use our hands to speak and sing while listening to our favorite songs! They also love to meet other kiddos Elijah’s same age, he loves to give hugs and wave “Hello” to everyone!

Elijah loves to roll and bounce balls back and forth with his older brothers and parents. He also loves to play his toy piano and make up his own tunes. I like music also!

Elijah is exploring different kinds of foods and so far his favorite seems to be green beans (green beans sure are yummy😀)! Great job eating your vegetables Elijah!

From day one, Elijah has been lovingly referred to as “Easy E” as he is a very easy going little guy! Elijah’s brothers like to call him, “Elijah cutie,” and sometimes his mom calls him by his first and middle name, “Elijah Wayne.” “Bubba” is another popular nickname for him, too! ❤️❤️

Elijah and his families’ favorite thing about Gigi’s is that it provides a physical meeting place for individuals with Down syndrome and their families to meet and become support systems for one other, which makes life so much more enjoyable! Thank you Gigi’s Playhouse!

Submitted by Self advocate Brett Schatzman

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