Celebrating Independence!
“It’s the Friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey….”

Brett would like you to meet some of his Playhouse friends….. They are so AWESOME!!
This month’s GiGi’s theme! July 4th my mom told me is to celebrate our country’s independence! I like independence because it’s fun to do things on my own, no help needed! Sometimes I need some help, so I am happy I have family, friends, and volunteers to help me, but only if I need it. These are some new adult friends I have met that are working towards independence too💛💙
Hugs from Brett❤️
Meet my friend Jimmy. He is a new friend and I like to do Fit and cooking with him.
Jimmy’s favorite programs are GiGi Fit and Kitchen. He likes getting in better health and doing it along side friends. His favorite food is chicken nuggets! Jimmy’s nickname is Bo, it’s from Rambo (that’s so cool)😀. Jimmy loves music and dancing to it….especially Michael Jackson. He also loves movies and collecting DVD’s of the movies I enjoy. Jimmy loves all the people at GiGi’s- the staff, volunteers, and members. They are all very nice and patient with Jimmy. Jimmy is grateful for the free programs at GiGi’s that he can be involved in along side his peers. He is also grateful for the many volunteers who are so friendly and warm towards him.
Please meet another new friend Joey.
Joey likes the Fantastic Friends program. He likes playing hot potato and he love’s karaoke, (I think that’s so fun too!). He also likes GiGi’s Adult Kitchen because he likes to cook food for his mom and stepdad! Joey’s favorite food is hamburgers and french fries. Not too many fries though because they make him gain weight so he does portion control😀!

Joey’s nickname is Schwartz for Arnold Schwartz. Some people call him Arnold! Joey’s favorite hobby is writing things about Marvel Studios Avengers movies. He likes to look at filming locations and also when new movies are coming out. He likes to talk about movies on a podcast. Joey likes to compare DC comic movies to Marvel Studios movies. (here is a photo of his notebook).Joey loves GiGi’s Playhouse because it is a great place. He loves the people the most and they are good friends❤️. (I agree with you Joey, it’s a great place with lots of good friends).
Submitted by GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix
Brett Schatzman – Self Advocate
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