“A Mom’s Belief . . . . . .”

This month GiGi’s theme is Believing . . . . . .

Brett usually writes about his friends in his blog, but this month I (his mom Marlene) am writing for him because I believe in Brett for all he can do and will do.

 When we started on this journey 31 years ago, we had no idea what was ahead. He was slow to talk and now, those of you who know him, know it’s rare to not hear him  talking! He was slow to walk, and now he participates in GiGiFit, always wanting to take the lead! We are always amazed watching what he will do next. We believe in his leadership skills, as he works so hard in the cafe, and is using his skills towards becoming a mentor.  He loves to be in the kitchen cooking and baking, reading his Michael Jordan book in Literacy, creating new  moves in Dance Mania, stretching and chilling in yoga, creating masterpieces in Art Explosion, and this year he even rode a horse!

We believe in his wanting to ALWAYS spread kindness and thinking of others by  sending birthday cards to volunteers and participants! He is always supporting his friends and GiGi’s (whether it is the Friends Campaign, the Gala, this year the NASCAR award), or just saying hi and welcome to everyone he meets. We believe in GiGi’s because they provide so much for Brett and all of his friends. Brett is one of the biggest supporters and believers of GiGi’s ❤️ (Those who know him best know he is always promoting GiGi’s).

 Most of all we BELIEVE in Brett and all he can and will do, and we hope you continue to BELIEVE in your participant and in GiGi’s, no matter what your journey looks like. 

Happy Holidays to All and keep believing 💕💙💛💕.

Marlene Schatzman

Brett’s Mom

Guest Blogger

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