Down Syndrome Acceptance Month 2017-Day 15
Down Syndrome Acceptance Month 2017-Day 15 We have been involved in GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County since it began 8 years ago. This is where Rebecca first learned to read, practice her emerging social skills and go for just plain fun. For the past few years, Rebecca has been a regular...

Bunco Down 2017-Down Syndrome Acceptance Month!
What a great way to kick off Down Syndrome Acceptance Month...Sunday, October 1st was our 6th Annual Bunco Down Benefit! The room was filled with 250 participants, all of which were there to support GiGi's Playhouse McHenry County Down Syndrome Achievement Center and to help us with our mission;...

321 Days of Acceptance | Love is Stronger than Death
Today we have a very special little lady to introduce you to, Amina Grace. Amina’s mom is going to share with us today the impact and legacy this hardworking, smart and inspiring young lady had on all who knew her. I would like to share with you the reason...

what happens once a month at Kids Club, is a matter of point of view.
I'm curious if any of you are familiar with the song, "Just Fishin", by Trace Adkins. If not, it is the story of a dad whose daughter thinks her and dad are just out for a day of fishing together, but from the dad's point of view, it is so...

Sports Day 2017
One of our outstanding community events is our annual Sports Day, which is put on in conjunction with the McHenry High School football team. The players learn about DS prior to the event, plan the activities and carry out all aspects of the day. Each player is then paired up...

Thankful Parent…
This note was sent to the Site Coordinator at GiGi's Playhouse McHenry County after the Leaps and Bounds program this past weekend: I feel the need to write a love letter of sorts to the program volunteers and tutors we’ve encountered at GiGi’s Playhouse in McHenry. I continually leave the...

Spring Fashion Show & Luncheon 2017
Photography by Rich Chapman Photographers What a wonderful afternoon… Twenty-seven models celebrated their achievements as they walked the runway – all smiles and full of confidence. The luncheon was delicious. The friendship of family and friends abounded. Members of the McHenry High School Football team, along with...

Superhero Award 2017
At the GiGi's Playhouse Fashion Show we honored the McHenry High School football team for their 7 years of giving and service to the kids and families at GiGi's McHenry. Seven teams, seven Sports Days and 3 coaches later, they have pledged to continue the close connection and dedication all...

321 World Down Syndrome Day 2017…
https://www.nwherald.com/2017/03/20/gigis-playhouse-education-center-in-mchenry-celebrates-world-down-syndrome-day/aenrtpm/ We are so excited that the NorthWest Herald came out to our World Down Syndrome Day Party this past Saturday! Thank you for sharing our story with the community! Enjoy the article and share with your friends!! #GenerationG

Great day to spread Generation G in our community…
On March 16th, the McHenry playhouse welcomed the St. Scholastica homeschool group for a presentation on Down syndrome awareness and acceptance followed by a fun open play. About 40 people from the community filled the playhouse. It was wonderful to see children of all ages learn about Down syndrome, ask...

New “attitude”
Aaron recently started a new session of literacy at the playhouse after a couple years of a hiatus. The first thing all students do when the begin literacy is create a family book with photos. Now that Aaron is older, his tutor requested that we make a couple new books as well. We...

six tips to help learners with down syndrome be their #bestofall!
Children with Down syndrome are capable learners who are excited and eager to learn. They just need to be given the opportunity to excel. They may learn at a slower pace, but are more than capable of learning. They are strong visual learners. This means that they understand what they...