Naperville Charities Marathon 2016
Runners, get your running shoes ready,it’s that time again! The Naperville Charities Marathon is back, and we are excited to announce that GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley, will be participating again this year! This is a great opportunity to be out in the community while raising money in support of your favorite playhouse!
Early charity registration for the marathon is February 15th until February 21st.To register for the 2016 Naperville Charities Marathon, please click on the register image below. Once you get into the Charity Runners site, click Register. After you select the number of runners in the “registrations” box, plug in the access code CHARITY . The code to register for Team GiGi’s is CHGGGPWIL. This can be entered at the bottom of the page in the “order summary” box, next to the apply button. You will receive a discount during this week, and in return your commitment to us is to raise $150 for GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley. To donate to a specific runner, please visit our website at