Fundraising With Purpose

Erica, a senior at Purdue Fort Wayne University majoring in Human Services is one of our current GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne interns. For her capstone project, Erica organized a fundraiser with purpose.

I have been fortunate to witness the immense effort that goes on behind the scenes to ensure all programs are always free and purposeful for each participant at GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne! These observations have inspired me to focus my senior capstone project on creating a purposeful funding initiative for GiGi’s Playhouse.

I am thrilled to present my plans for the first GiGi’s Playhouse Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser! This unique and enjoyable event will take place on March 23rd from 8am to 10am at Applebee’s on Lima Road in Fort Wayne. Our participants at GiGi’s will have the opportunity to showcase their hard-earned skills by serving the community a delicious flapjack breakfast with a goal to raise $1,500 for GiGi’s Playhouse!

Over the next four weeks, we will be working hard at GiGi’s, where I have designed a program titled “10 Steps to Working the Flapjack Event.” I am excited to guide them through the process of discovering their interests, connecting them to job roles, and understanding the application, interview, and training procedures for the Applebee’s Flapjack Event. We will work diligently to ensure everyone is well-prepared to confidently fulfill their chosen job roles, whether it be greeting, serving, or bussing at the event!

In addition to preparing for the breakfast event, we need to sell 300 tickets by March 23rd to reach our goal. Each ticket is priced at $10 and guarantees a delightful experience of being greeted and served three flapjacks, eggs, bacon, and a beverage by the GiGi’s Playhouse team. 50% of the ticket proceeds will go towards supporting GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne and growing their free, purposeful programs!

Tickets can be purchased at GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne. I look forward to creating this opportunity for the community to see that participants at GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne are full of ability.

Let’s pack Applebee’s on March 23rd from 8am-10am!

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