Drew’s Why

Drew (far right) and her family!

“I first heard about GiGi’s Playhouse because it had shown up on my Facebook news feed, and after that I kept randomly hearing about it on the radio and seeing its name in various places. When I would hear about GiGi’s or see its name, I was always interested to learn more. Finally, this past summer, I looked into it more and found my way to its website. I loved everything I was seeing about GiGi’s, from its mission to all the fun events it offers. I also felt partial to its mission because I have a special place in my heart for those with Down syndrome. I was able to grow up with and be impacted by an incredible guy who has Down syndrome, Jesse Johnston. After taking these things into consideration, I knew I wanted to get involved with GiGi’s however I could.


I chose to apply to be a volunteer for ‘Fantastic Friends’, which is the program for teens and adults. Deciding to volunteer at GiGi’s was a no-brainer for me because I knew I could find the time to volunteer at at least one event a month at an organization with such a great mission. Ever since I was young, I have been very conscious of the well being of others. At GiGi’s, I am able to focus solely on those who attend the programs. It’s impossible not to have a good time there when my only job is to have fun with the attendees, whether we’re eating, playing games, or just goofing around!

Click the photo to see Drew’s awesome story covered by WDAY! They came to visit us at GiGi’s Playhouse! 🙂


People with Down syndrome are some of the most admirable people, in the sense that they have to overcome so many difficulties, yet they do so in great strides and with great joy. GiGi’s Playhouse has provided me a great outlet away from school, basketball, and other demands in my life to just go and have a good time. I am able to make other people’s days better while they do the same for me.


Remember GiGi’s Playhouse on February 9th for Giving Hearts Day 2017!

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  1. Kathleen Johnston on February 8, 2017 at 11:38 am

    Drew, I’m so glad you found GiGi’s and they now get to have you involved with their teens and adults! You do indeed care about others and take action to show it. We are forever grateful for the kindness and friendship you have shown to Jesse over the years. You are an extremely talented and beautiful young woman on the inside and out. Keep shining your light for others!

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