Wish List
You can support GiGi’s Playhouse with a generous donation toward the following items still needed for ongoing program activities and maximum achievement!
- Cardstock paper (white)
- Copy paper
- Cleaning supplies (Clorox Clean Wipes, liquid hand soap), Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Napkins
- Individual packaged Healthy snacks (E.g. raisins, whole grain goldfish, fruit cups, 100% juice boxes, small bottles of water, etc.)
- Gift Cards to be used to purchase supplies (Target, Albertson’s, Home Depot, Costco, etc.)
Volunteer Needs
- Gala sub-committee chairs and volunteers (baskets, marketing, donations, decorations, invitations, admin, etc.)
- Photography and Videography
- Community Relations (speaking engagements, tours with schools, businesses, clubs)
- Social Media
- Marketing & PR
- Graphic design
- Printing Services
- Handy man for various small projects