Caring Hands ~ Blanket Making Event with WSU

Over the years GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit and Wayne State University have partnered in many impactful ways: through grad students leading our Amina Grace Speech Therapy Program, pre-med students assisting with group programs and tutoring, and most recently, a community service group called Caring Hands reached out to us with an idea for a fun way to spend a Saturday! A bright young woman named Jazzmeh organized and facilitated a special blanket making activity with individuals with Down syndrome of all ages, just in time for the chilly winter months.

The Caring Hands volunteers brought all of the supplies and snacks, and set up the Playhouse to host about 20 participants and their family members with their own blanket making “station”. They didn’t hesitate to get on the floor, or pull up a chair, and assist with arranging, cutting, and tying two sheets of fleece together. When the individual with Down syndrome got tired and needed a break, another volunteer would step in and continue tying until they were ready to pick back up where they left off. Each household who came that day left with a blanket of their own. It was a great event for the whole family!  

Thank you to @caringhands_wsu; your kindness and generosity will keep us warm all winter long!  

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