My Intern Experience: Megan Enyart

GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit loves having interns around the Playhouse to help with programs, social media, and operations of the building. We are currently looking for fall interns to join our team! Read below to learn more about our summer intern Megan Enyart and her experience as the operations intern!  

What do you love about GiGi’s?  

I absolutely love GiGi’s mission and all that this organization strives to do. Getting to be a part of something as unique and special as this was something I will never forget.   

What did you learn from the internship? 

I learned so much about communicating in the nonprofit setting and how to do that effectively. I also discovered how much I love writing blog posts and creating social media content.  

Would you recommend this internship?  

I would recommend this internship, for it was so cool to be in a position that was personal and relational. It gave me a deeper appreciation for the work that goes into making a nonprofit run smoothly, for clear communication, and for our sweet individuals with Down syndrome. 

What is your favorite memory from this summer?  

Some of my favorite memories from the summer include having the opportunity to write blog posts and tutor, but also the moments in between. I learned a lot just by talking with Kaitlyn and the other intern Kat. Our conversations about life, nonprofits, and our futures were so valuable to me.   

Meg is heading back to school for her senior year but she hopes to stay and touch and volunteer in the future!  To learn more about the operations internship or to apply, email your resume and cover letter to Kaitlyn Wojciechowski at 

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