Volunteer Spotlight: Jasmine Coles

GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit loves our volunteers and we are so thankful for all those that help make our programs run smoothly! Jasmine Coles is one of our newest volunteers at the Playhouse and has been a huge help with our Saturday morning programs! Get to know her below!   

How did you hear about GiGi’s?   

I heard about GiGi’s through Wayne State’s Med School. I got an email saying GiGi’s was looking for volunteers and I wanted to get involved. I’ve only been at the Playhouse for a few weeks but I’ve loved it!   

What do you love about being here?   

I love the interaction with kids. I also love how impactful the programs are; to be able to help parents and give them things to work on at home is so cool. But I also love getting to have fun with all the participants and parents on Saturday mornings.  

Thank you Jasmine for all your help with our GiGiFIT Toddler program! We are so grateful for you! Interested in becoming a volunteer at GiGi’s? Click here for more information or sign up here for our next volunteer orientation!  

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