January Volunteer Spotlight!

This year we plan to feature one of our volunteers each month on the blog. We hope this gives you an opportunity to get to know the amazing volunteers who help make GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit possible!

January Volunteer Spotlight: Allie Plancon

Allie Plancon, GiGi's Plahouse Detroit Board Member

Did you know that GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit is run by only one paid staff person? Everyone else you meet, the program leaders, the board members, tutors and group program supporters are all volunteers. That is a lot of volunteers; and we are so beyond thankful for each and every one of them. In order to have that many volunteers we needed someone to keep everyone organized and involved. Allie Plancon stepped up to the plate to be our Volunteer Coordinator and has been doing an outstanding job for over a year.  

Allie works very hard onboarding new volunteers by running our orientation then following up and helping them sign up for the programs they are interested in. She donates her time by creating the sign up website for the volunteers to use when choosing the programs they will attend. She is our go-to person when we are looking for a specific volunteer such as, someone who wants to work with the age group 0-3 and is interested in being a co-leader. Allie bridges our communication between programs and volunteers and without her hard work our leaders wouldn’t have the support they need to run the programs. She is so selfless with her time, and we are truly blessed to have her volunteer for our playhouse! 

Now do you want to jump in?

Do you want to experience the joy of giving of your time and talents to our amazing participants? Ready to jump in and help us run and expand on our programs? We have lots of places to serve. Join us for our volunteer oreintation. We host orientation on the second Saturday every month at 10AM. Currently we are meeting virtually to share about the exciting opportunities we have at our Playhouse. Visit us on our online calendar to RSVP!

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