May Program & Volunteer Spotlight

We are continuing to feature one of our programs and one of our volunteers each month on the blog. We hope this helps you understand the background and focus of our various programs, as well as give you an opportunity to get to know the amazing volunteers who help make GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit possible! We are excited to feature one of our teenage programs, Teen Tastic for 13-17 year olds.

May Program Spotlight: Teen Tastic

Teen Tastic is an interactive and engaging program for teens ages 13 through 17. This program is built to include teenagers with Down syndrome and those without Down syndrome. We support the development of social skills, fine motor skills, self-help skills, and language through peer to peer interaction in a casual and fun setting. This program also supports gross motor skills through active games.

Teen Tastic supports the therapeutic-based development of individuals with Down syndrome, with goals of achieving the following:

  • Increase social skills, with focus on group participation and increasing leisure activity options.
  • Increase language development, with focus on appropriateness, maintaining conversation and non-verbal social language.
  • Increase gross motor skills, with focus on general health, fitness (strength and balance), and awareness of personal space.
  • Increase fine motor skills & self-help skills through participation in various activities.

You can join Teen Tastic virtually on our GiGi’s At Home site! Head over to the calendar to RSVP! You can also join us at the Playhouse once it is safe again on the third Saturday at 1:30PM for Teen Tastic!

May Volunteer Spotlight: Kathy Rheaume

This months volunteer spotlight is Kathy Rheaume. Kathy learned about GiGi’s Playhouse after attending church with one of our board members, Denise Moore. Soon after her discussion with Denise, she found herself on a list to attend volunteer orientation. After 40 years of being a Counselor with Deaf & Hard of Hearing children/adolescence in the Bloomfield Hills School District, she was a brand new retiree eager for something new. Kathy’s heart was open to spending time with children with special needs without meetings and paperwork.

Kathy is the lead for our Teen Tastic program. Kathy said “Ever since I signed up to be a volunteer, I look forward to Teen Tastic every month to see old friends and meet new ones”.  Kathy’s favorite part of GiGi’s Playhouse is seeing people smile and laugh. Also experiencing the enthusiasm and energy of Teen Tastic volunteers, sibs and parents has been an unexpected joy as well.

In her free time Kathy enjoys spending time with her family (husband, two daughters & son-in-laws, one son & daughter in-law) and my five (under five years old) grandchildren. My greatest blessing is to have all of them live within miles of us. Kathy also enjoys playing tennis, golf, pickle ball, reading, kayaking, bike riding, walking and spending time with girlfriends.

Kathy said “I look forward to a time when we can laugh, hang out with friends and build more good memories. Hope to see you at GiGi’s soon!” The GiGi’s Playhouse Detroit team is so thankful for Kathy and her continued love and support for our playhouse!

Now do you want to jump in?

And as always, if you’d like to join us in changing the way the world views Down syndrome, we are always in need of volunteers!  Simply fill out the information here and we will get in touch with you!

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