GiGi’s Helps You Navigate the Detours…

Yesterday, I went to check my phone to track my twenty one year old daughter’s location as she headed back to college early in the morning. To my surprise, she had left the security of the state highway and was on a two-lane rural highway on a terribly foggy morning. I called to see if she was all right. Her brave voice was a bit shaky as she told me her GPS took her off the main route due to traffic. I looked ahead for her to help her make the unfamiliar turns she would encounter. Together, we were doing fine, until I heard her exclaim “Oh no!” Alarmed, I asked, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Well, there’s a lake with a waterfall and the fog on the lake looks very scary and creepy!” she complained. “A waterfall?” I asked, quite relieved. “If it was light out, I bet you’d find that waterfall and lake so beautiful that you’d take your friends back there.” I stayed on until she arrived and she said, “Thank you Mom! I was really scared and nervous, but then I felt so much better when you helped me navigate!”

We’ve all been forced into uncharted territory by unexpected detours, which can be frustrating, especially when you have a solid plan. Unexpected detours are so challenging! There’s usually an “Oh no!” reaction, followed up with “now I’m doomed.” We never go into a detour thinking: “I’m probably going to see some beautiful scenery along the way or learn a great life’s lesson”, or “My life will be enriched beyond compare!” or…”My less traveled road ‘has made all the difference’!”

All we see are roadblocks, tension, waiting, wanting, grieving, loss of momentum, fear of missing out, and failure to get to our destination on time, or at all. There’s a scary sense of doom and urgency, fear of unfamiliar terrain: “Will I get mugged?” or “Is this safe?”

We see the fog and not the waterfall by the side of the road. We see the twists and turns in the road and miss the majestic mountain.  We see the cliffs and not the eagle taking flight. We see the construction horses and not the beautiful new path being built.

Then we see our child’s smile and it reminds us that wherever we travel, everything will be all right if we just do it together. And suddenly, we see.

Written by: AJA, Mom to an amazing adult with different abilities

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