Giving Thanks, One Card At A Time

I walked in the door to start my day at GiGi’s and saw a card on my desk.   A beautiful card that was hand-made.   I opened it to discover that the adult participants from the Wednesday Friends program made me a Happy Thanksgiving card. They worked on cards for their family and friends last night and took the time to make me one!   I have to admit that I was feeling a little gloomy as I walked into the playhouse on this cold and windy day.   After seeing and reading the card, I suddenly had the biggest smile on my face.  THANK YOU to our Wednesday Friends participants and volunteers, you truly made my day!

thanksgiving card front and inside collage

The Wednesday Friends program is for adults with Down syndrome. They meet weekly from October to May and monthly over the summer.   Due to holidays, their next group will be Wednesday, December 2nd from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.    The adults love to learn new skills, try new exercises (yoga is quickly becoming a favorite), have game nights and so much more.  All adults with Down syndrome are welcome!  If you are interested in volunteering and/or have a special talent to share, email Amy at aarcher@gigisplayhouse,org to get involved today.   You will be glad you did!


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