Welcome Kelsey, Marissa, and Stephanie!
Hi GiGi’s Playhouse families! My name is Kelsey Remeis and I am currently a third-year OTD student at Rush University. I will be in the Playhouse completing my capstone where I will be implementing a group fitness instructor training for the members! During this program members will learn the basics of exercising and leading in front of others. I am 200-hr certified yoga instructor and I hope to share my love for fitness with you all! In my free time I love to cook new recipes, read, and spend time exploring Chicago. I can’t wait to meet you all the next time you’re in the Playhouse!
Hello, GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago families! My name is Marissa, and I am a third-year Occupational Therapy doctoral student at Mount Mary University. I am spending 12 weeks at GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago to complete my doctoral capstone project. For my project, I will be running a leadership training program with the goal of building new skills to take on leadership roles inside and outside of the playhouse. In the program, we will cover topics including self-management, problem-solving, communication, and goal-setting. I am so excited to begin the program!
Hola, mi nombre es Stephanie y soy una estudiante del programa de Asistente de Terapia Ocupacional de Wilbur Wright College. Estoy completando mi última practica aquí en GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago durante 10 semanas antes de graduarme en mayo. Cuando tenía 10 años, me interesé en convertirme en asistente de terapeuta ocupacional debido a que mi hermana menor nació con una discapacidad. Desde pequeña estado con ella en sus sesiones de terapia por la razon que mi mamá no pudo participar por no saber inglés. Yo nací y crecí aquí en Chicago, IL. Algunos de mis intereses y pasatiempos son ir a conciertos, viajar a México para visitar a mi familia , jugar con mi cachorro Snoopy y cocinar. Me entusiasma conocer a todos en GiGi’s y conocer diferentes personalidades, habilidades, intereses y familias también. Daré clases particulares en matemáticas y lectura, además de ayudar en otros programas nocturnos durante mi estancia aquí. Espero aplicar mis habilidades clínicas de la escuela para tener sesiones de tutoría exitosas.
My name is Stephanie, and I am from the Occupational Therapy Assistant program at Wilbur Wright College. I am completing my last fieldwork placement here at GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago for 10 weeks before I graduate in May. When I was 10 years old, I became interested in becoming an occupational therapist assistant due to my younger sister being born with a disability. I would be with her in her therapy sessions since my mom was not able to participate since she did not know English. I was born and raised here in Chicago, IL. Some of my interests and hobbies are I like going to concerts, traveling to Mexico to visit family when I can, playing with my puppy Snoopy, and cooking. I am excited about meeting everyone at GiGi’s and getting to know different personalities, skills, interests, and families as well. I will be tutoring in math and literacy as well as helping in other evening programs during my time here. I look forward to applying my clinical skills to have successful tutoring sessions.
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