Summer Fitness with Our Amazing Instructors

Looking for ways to stay active this summer! Check out our fitness program run by our amazing instructors.

During the most recent internship, 10 of our interns underwent an 8-week group fitness instructor training where they learned the basics of exercising. Throughout the training, interns learned how to lead group fitness classes, use appropriate body mechanics and training techniques, and contribute to an online fitness website. Topics included warm-ups, warm-ups, strength training (e.g., body weight circuits), endurance training (e.g., interval training), mindfulness (e.g., breathwork), and cool-downs. For the final 2 weeks of their training, the interns had an opportunity to film videos, take photos, and contribute to a fitness website showcasing their hard work.  

The goal of the website is to provide members of GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago with additional tools and resources to participate in physical activity with proper form. A majority of fitness platforms lack instructors of different body types and diagnoses, which can deter individuals from participating and create a sense of not belonging. Through this training, the capabilities and strength of individuals with disabilities, especially in those with Down syndrome (DS) was showcased. 

A suggested way to use the website is to go through each topic and complete the exercises alongside the videos. Each exercise is held for 10 seconds or 10 repetitions based on the move. This will give you a great base for learning new exercises. As you continue to master the moves and get stronger you can always increase the time/repetitions of the exercises! Explore the website to learn more about all the hard work our interns put in and have fun learning new skills! 


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