Quincy Guest Lectures at Rush University
Written by Kate Williams
GiGi’s Playhouse and it’s many participants have adapted to unprecedented challenges over the past year. We have found ways to stay connected and continue growing despite our physical locations’ closure. An example of the way our community has been resilient (and even thriving) in the face of challenge is the development of Quincy’s Corner.
Quincy’s Corner is a very successful young adult program which came about during the COVID-19 shut-down. Quincy Bane advocated for and developed a social group to maintain connection amongst GiGi’s participants at home. Quincy works hard to reach out to members, plan engaging activities, select the perfect songs for dance parties, etc. The weekly group is full of joy, enthusiasm, and support for one another.
Quincy recently spoke about her experiences both with Quincy’s Corner and her transition to adult life with graduate occupational therapy students at Rush University. Quincy created, planned, and rehearsed her own content for the lecture and was incredibly well received by the Rush students. When asked about how she felt after the lecture, Quincy reported “feeling a little obsessed” with her new role as a public speaker and looks forward to presenting again.
We are so proud of Quincy, the members of Quincy’s Corner, and all of our participants for following their dreams and making big things happen. Not even a pandemic can stop our community from shining. Check out a highlight from Quincy’s interview below.
Fantastic! Way to go Quincy! We love Qunicy’s Corner! Thanks for the platform for these young adult, Gigi’s.