How Has GiGi’s Affected Your Life?

Here at GiGi’s countless stories are being created each and every day. We asked playhouse families to share their stories with us as part of a recent contest. We asked families to answer the question, “How has GiGi’s Playhouse affected your life?”. We loved reading the stories and thank all of the families who participated. When we reached in to pick the winner, we drew Kate Szczudlo’s story:


“My daughter Mira was prenatally diagnosed–I knew she was coming, but I was apprehensive to truly reach out to Gigi’s Playhouse. Something about walking through that glass door on Lincoln Avenue made Down syndrome real, and I was not ready for real. After she was born, I began volunteering with the drama program, and when I entered, my heart burst a little with nervousness. Five minutes later, an energetic teenager scrambled through the door and immediately started stretching out in preparation for class. My heart burst again with little giggles of excitement. I still didn’t see Down syndrome; I saw fun, and it was real. Now that Mira is two, and her heart surgeries are behind us, we go to the playhouse whenever we can. My heart still bursts as we enter; it bursts with joy and acceptance and pride, and above all, it is real.”




Kate Szczudlo won the $50 Visa gift card offered as part of this contest! Do you have a story that you would like to share? Let us know your story and help us make a difference.



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  1. Richard Reilly on February 18, 2014 at 7:24 am

    Kate and Mira, thank you for sharing your story. Kate, you mention being nervous, the hesitation of going to the Playhouse. Part of the value of your story is that others who feel this way, right now, will find strength and direction in your words, before they come through the door. Friends, send in your stories, we are all working together to make a difference, to create a present and future world, a world were we can all rise to our greater potential.

    Richard Reilly
    The Grandparent Connection
    GiGi’s Playhouse NYC

  2. JULIE HALFEN on August 10, 2014 at 8:55 am


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