See The World Through Our Eyes
Each one of us is our own person – we love to play, talk, dance, be silly, learn new things, just like everyone else. We also happen to have an extra chromosome.
What exactly does that mean? Let us share the world through our eyes with you.
“Hi my name is Samuel and I’m almost two years old! I like to wrestle with my two older brothers. I love going to GiGi’s Playhouse because I learn things like sign language and get to spend time with my friends.
“At GiGi’s, volunteers teach me and my parents sign language and other forms of communication using music and language- based activities. This is important because kids like me tend to learn to communicate through other means before we learn to talk.”

“Hi! I’m Laila! I’m 16 and love hanging out with my family and friends. I want to be an actress when I grow up. I love GiGi’s because I have a place where I can hang out with friends, learn new things and meet new people!
“I love participating in GiGiFit, a new program at GiGi’s that focuses on getting physically fit and making healthy diet choices. People with an extra chromosome tend to have low muscle tone, so it’s even more important for me to be active!”
“We’re Isabella and Ruby – we’re sisters and love to play together! GiGi’s allows us the freedom to be ourselves. We are welcome to dance to the beat of our own drum.
“We love GiGi’s for many reasons. One is because our mom gets to go to programs that help her learn useful information she can teach us every day, like the free potty training class that taught moms and dads how to potty train their child with Down syndrome – which can sometimes be tricky at first since we may communicate differently!”

“Hi! I’m Charlotte! I love school, my brothers and my baby dolls! GiGis Playhouse is so important because my parents can learn how to make my future brighter while I play with my friends.
“When I’m at GiGi’s, it may look like I’m just dancing and having fun. But, this is actually helping me learn! I love going to Kids Club at GiGi’s where I learn gross motor skills through games and also self-help skills like preparing my own snacks!”
“Hi! My name is Zach Adams. I love to swim, dance, listen to music and watch movies. GiGi’s Playhouse is important to me because I get to be myself and have fun with my friends!
“I really like going to the Teen Tastic program at GiGi’s where I build on my social skills with friends without Down syndrome by participating in team-based activities in a casual and fun setting. This includes understanding compromise, turn taking and problem-solving skills! This will help me when I’m ready to get my own job.”

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GiGi’s Playhouse is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies 100% on tax deductible donations. All of our programs are free for families and run by volunteers.
To make a tax-deductible donation and help individuals with Down syndrome in our area be their best of all at GiGi’s Playhouse Annapolis, click on the green donate button below.