Lucas’ Birth Story


Lucas’ Birth Story
By Mom, Yvonne

When Lucas was born almost 16 years ago, the room was really quiet moments after he was delivered. I instantly knew something was wrong. My momma bear instincts immediately kicked in and among the low whispers I said, “I want my baby”. It took only a moment for me to know that Lucas had Down syndrome, and it took one look at him to know I was in love. If the medical community was more in tune with the realities and the great things that come to families of children with special needs, there would be less silence and whispers and more congratulations and celebrations.
I wish the staff would have said to me, “Congratulations, you are the mother of a very special child.” instead of , “We are very sorry, but we think your son has Down Syndrome.”
My instincts were to immediately protect him, love him and worry for his future. Will he have friends, will he play baseball, will he be accepted?
I can answer yes to these things, for the most part yes he does, yes he can and yes he is. Although we as a Community still struggle to include and accept, Lucas has made his way in the world.
I, as his mother still strive to help him form more friendships with others, and to look towards the future for more acceptance and understanding as he becomes an adult.
He is a blessing, he is my son.

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